Friday, September 5, 2014

Story of my Life

I'd say my decisions are typically hitting the scale at a delightful cocktail of Amanda Bynes circa 2012 and Britney Spears mid-head shave, with a bit of Miley being Miley as garnishment.

Lord help me...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Story of My Life

And I should be able to do it without shaving my head...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Spotted in NYC: Bike Patrol

New Yorkers have a bit of a reputation. A reputation of a certain bitchiness. Outsiders often think that this quality comes across as 'unfriendly' or 'mean.' But I don't really think that's a fair picture to paint.

New Yorkers are just... 
Confrontational. Direct. Blunt.
And we don't take shit from anyone.
Not from some Hurricane named Sandy, not from tourists that clog our streets, 
and certainly not from the bastard that tries to lock their bike to our tree guard...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hey, it's ok...(Halloween edition) put on a football jersey and leggings and call yourself a 'football player' for Halloween. 
Even though its the 5th year in a row you've been Aaron Rodgers.

 consider a bag of candy corn and peanut butter pumpkins your Halloween lunch. 
A candy corn-induced sugar coma is as vital to this holiday as turkey is to Thanksgiving.

 eat dinner at the neighborhood Thai restaurant just to watch the Halloween costume contest parade. 
Nothing like having a mini-drag show as a side to your pad thai.

 long for the days when Halloween meant trick-or-treating, instead of slutty costumes. 
Nothing reads more like suffering to me than spending a night dressed as a 'sexy (fill in the bank)' in 40 degree weather and hooker heels. And there's no benefit of free candy. 

What's not ok?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Preparation 101

I don't know if you've heard, but this chick Sandy is raising hell here in NYC.

Sandy ruined my Sunday night dinner plans...
Chipotle closed? Where is a girl gonna get her guac fix?!

Sandy ruined my Sunday dessert plans...
Coldstone closed? How can I survive the storm apocalypse without ice cream?!

Sandy decimated the shelves of all 3 Duane Reades within a 2 block radius of my apartment..

Duane Reade shelves empty? Shit is obviously going down.

Seriously, Sandy is being such a beezy.
So how am I dealing with the shit-storm (literally and figuratively) she is throwing our way?

Alcohol. And lots of it.
Hurricane survival at its finest

Home-cooked meals.
Me, being all domestic and shit

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills marathon (well played Bravo, well played). 
And some reading material if my brain gets too rotten from Bravo reality tv.
True story-these will probably stay closed

Ohhh and taped-up windows. Just in case.
Our apartment is officially hurricane ready

Bring it on Sandy. Bring it on.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

On Repeat (Da'Quan)

I have an addictive personality.
In fact, I'm addicted to addiction.
When I like something, I go all in on it.
I repeat it over and over again.

But not in the form of all those addictions that land the likes of Lindsay Lohan in rehab. Instead my addictions zero in on pop culture. Movies, books, blogs, songs, television shows. All of these feel the wrath of my addiction to addiction.

I was the girl in grade school who tore through Little House on the Prairie series in a week. And proceeded to re-read them. 
I'm still the girl that reads Jack Kerouac's 'On the Road' once a month. Just for inspiration.

I was the girl in junior high who made a CD with LFO's 'Summertime Girls' as every track. 
I'm still the girl that makes iPod playlists with a single song. 'Rack City' by Tyga is one; don't judge.

I was the girl in high school who watched 'Europtrip' every night.
I'm still the girl that watches 'Europtrip' at least once a week. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I was the girl in college who watched 2 seasons of Friday Night Lights in 48 hours. The weekend before finals. 
I'm still the girl that watches 2 seasons of Suits in a weekend. Harvey Specter is just too damn sexy to wait.

You get the picture, right?
I'm a repeater.
No shame in that.
If I like something, I might as well get some miles out of it.

So what am i currently repeating?
Da'Quan, keeping the block hot at University of Michigan.

Watch. Laugh. Repeat.

Tell me this ain't hot?!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

happiness in 5 words or less..

Life is pretty damn simple when it comes down to it.

Spend time with people who make you happy.
Go places that make you happy.
Do things that make you happy.
Be a person that makes you happy.
Be happy.

Being a stupid human though, I tend to lose sight of this simplicity. 
I over-complicate life.
I make things harder than they need to be.
I fantasize about happiness and some long road that it takes to get it.
I know that it should be simple, 
but the gap between knowing and living what you know is large.

I'm closing my gap through small steps..

noticing the happy that comes from the small things,
the little moments in a normal day that make you smile,
and make you happy

I've found most of these moments can be summed up damn simply. 
In fact, I think the best moments are those that need little explanation.
And come with few words:
"I love you"
"I'm proud of you"
"We are now boarding"
All of these are short and sweet saying that just bring so much damn happiness to me.

Happiness comes in 5 words or less.

So what 5 words or less are bring me happiness today?
"I brought you Wisconsin beer"

A good friend. 
Bringing me a piece of my Wisconsin roots in the form of my favorite beer...
which can only be bought in Wisconsin.
Don't know how the hell she got this nectar of the gods to nyc,
but it sure as hell made my day.

What's bring you happiness today (in 5 words or less, of course)?