Thursday, October 25, 2012

One-A-Day (10/25/12)

It's Thursday. Officially over half done with the 'official work week.'
People generally seem to love Thursdays.
There's a noticeable gleeful-ness around my workplace and the streets of Manhattan in general...

Almost there.
Almost Friday at 5.
Almost that two-day break from the mundane life of work that we spend all week looking forward to.
Almost time to spend some time with people we love.
Almost time to be freed up to do the things we truly enjoy for a bit.

But why all the almosts? Why all the waiting in life?

There's 7 days in a week. 52 weeks in a year. And god only knows how many precious years we'll get.
So why are 5 days a week spent looking forward to 2 days a week?

I'm no math expert...
but that don't make no sense.
Seems like a lot of wasted days.
In a too-short-life.

Are you nodding your head in agreement?
that means we could probably be friends.
and it mean that you might enjoy the mantra I'm inspired by today.

So here's a little dose of today's one-a-day inspiration for you to chew on...

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